I figured being pregnant and anemic wasn't helping me absorb what I needed to, and the electrolytes seemed to taste even more gross as time went on.
I called the doctor and was told to eat chips ... I like chips, but I don't love them so much I could marry them or anything. Besides, it's so hard to find a good flavoured chip without it containing any sort of gluten in it ... or any kind that doesn't hold enough grease to run your car for miles (I learned you could run a diesel car on food fat on Fifth Gear!).
Now, I am happy to know they officially state the good news on the back of their bags. So I can eat these guilt and sick free! It's so nice to see them write things like gluten-free or lactose-free as if they really cared on a personal note. Perhaps they do!
Well, these chips taste awesome and are not heavy on the tummy! :D
I ended up buying the UK based Tyrrell's Cider Vinegar & Sea Salt and they are super tasty! They even have included the nutritional information for Europe and USA. So, the good news is, it seems to be available over the pond!
I suggest these chips! They are the gluten-free version of my beloved Salt and Malt Vinegar chips that I unfortunately can no longer have. So if you are in the same boat and want those crunchy salt and vinegar chips, these are for you!
I just checked out their pretty sweet website and they seem to offer an array of great treats! Check it out as it's also available to read in many languages! So impressed!
Enjoy! *crunch, crunch*

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