Holy heck.
The first time I heard this song I got goosebumps! The production is gorgeous and love the lyrics and melody. It's a track I've had on repeat and this wonderful, brilliant, Canadian man will win MANY awards!
This video also tugs at my heart strings - it's everything my soul emulates when listening to this track. With my vast Mexican following (I am being serious except for the vast part), I'd like to pretend this free spirited goodness would happen to me - *spoiler alert!* minus the mauling by wolves, which is the animal that represents my male side of my animal totem.
God I love this song and video. It's like a free spirited Romeo and Juliet.
Love, love, love!
Enjoy "Take It On Faith" song and video by Matt Mays, below!
He's also playing live here in London, Ontario at Call the Office on Saturday, November 3, 2012 - 9:00PM... I NEED to go! Who's joining me?

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