Even though I am still pretty weak, I was lucky enough to get out of the big H to ring in the new year with my family and a good game of Cranium! It was a tough few days, but now I am on the road to recovery. One day at a time :)
I wish you all a safe, wonderful and "Happy New Year 2011!!!" :)
Friday, December 31, 2010
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Life Update!
Right now I am typing from my hospital bed since I've been in and out of the Emergency Room over the holidays. I've suffered from a lot stomach pains for over 5 years now and it recently (after giving birth, in particular) got really bad. Lately I've been so weak, I haven''t been able to hold up my own body weight.
I was rushed to the hospital in Strathroy one day, then Christmas day I went in again (in London this time) with breathing issues and a huge face rash and they hooked me up to an IV. Then I started to go downhill and on the 27th I was getting so sick and weak I went back to Emergency at 3am at night. They performed an emergency biopsy in the morning, to find that I have Crohn's Disease.
"Crohn's disease causes inflammation of the digestive system. It is one of a group of diseases called inflammatory bowel disease. The disease can affect any area from the mouth to the anus. It often affects the lower part of the small intestine called the ileum.
Crohn's disease seems to run in some families. It can occur in people of all age groups but is most often diagnosed in young adults. Common symptoms are pain in the abdomen and diarrhea. Bleeding from the rectum, weight loss, joint pain, skin problems and fever may also occur. Children with the disease may have growth problems. Other problems can include intestinal blockage and malnutrition.
Treatment may include medicines, nutrition supplements, surgery or a combination of these options. Some people have long periods of remission, when they are free of symptoms."
Lucky for me, I didn't have bleeding or anything to that extent, but I fear when they check my intestines down my throat (hopefully in the next couple of days) that there will be lots of issues to go through. Not eating wheat or having dairy helped the issue by covering it, but they told me I did not have Celiacs. (Now we know it is not true and still needs to be tested at some point properly)
I still won't be able to have wheat or dairy, as it won't help this get any better and it is a little easier on the digestive system. Crohn's is hereditary, and actually affects one in 300 people in their 20s which I find very surprising! In case you're wondering, and just so you know, it didn't affect the outside if you know what I mean. I really hope I don't need surgery, but I will keep you updated :)
I still won't be able to have wheat or dairy, as it won't help this get any better and it is a little easier on the digestive system. Crohn's is hereditary, and actually affects one in 300 people in their 20s which I find very surprising! In case you're wondering, and just so you know, it didn't affect the outside if you know what I mean. I really hope I don't need surgery, but I will keep you updated :)
UPDATE: I still have to watch and not eat wheat or gluten as there was no way they could test for celiac at this time. I am still gluten-intolerant and have to be extra careful with what I eat as it will be a low fiber diet. Still at the hospital, but hopefully out by tomorrow!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Julekalender 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 & 22. So, so behind!
As you may know I was uber sick for the last couple of weeks and it was just getting worse with stomach and pelvic pains since I dislocated my pelvis bone (I'll save that for another day :) Anyways ... I'm quite a bit behind on my updates.
At the start of this photo-taking process, my big camera's battery died, and I had to use the small one!
Day 17 started off with getting some really nice, framed gold damask repurposed pieces from Etsy! This picture doesn't do the these framed photos a justice (used small camera). Very pretty and I can't wait to put them up :)
Day 18 got a little interesting! I received a parasol for Edie's stroller, which I wanted to keep her skin out of the sun, or perhaps a light misty rain. Then I got some really luxurious Diesel underwear! Such an odd combination - but lovely! :D
Day 19 was really cool because I've always wondered how I could keep track of my food before it went bad or perhaps avoid premature throw-outs, as I HATE wasting food! So it was really cool to get these cool food calculators :) Just one press for 5 seconds when you open a new jar and stick it to the lid ... and it will tell you the hours and days since you opened it.
I also got a $25 gift certificate for Amazon and a handmade necklace from a lady at my hubby's old work place that she brought back from Peru!
Day 20 I got another framed thing! This time it was a The Cult album that was framed, as it was the original album where my hubby fell in love with The Cult song "Edie" - so she had a little piece of history of how her name came to be :)
I also got the Röyksopp album "Senior", that I already owned digitally, but not in CD form - which I still find very romantic. I love looking in the cover while listening to the album. Sets the vibe and tone :) Very happy for it! I also got a Bingo card and won! :)
Day 21 was a crrrrazy morning and I was sick for a very long time and didn't get a chance to open my calendar gift until I felt up for it ... and had the energy.
But, I got the Tori Amos "A Piano" collection on 5 cds that I have wanted ever since it came out ... which is probably 5 years ago now, so I was really excited about it! Tori Amos heals the soul!
Day 22 was a little sunny, as I got some really pretty sunglasses from Club Monaco! I tried them on randomly one day at the mall and it seems that the hubby remembered!
I am still a little sick, but this update was sooooo long overdue.
At the start of this photo-taking process, my big camera's battery died, and I had to use the small one!
Day 17 started off with getting some really nice, framed gold damask repurposed pieces from Etsy! This picture doesn't do the these framed photos a justice (used small camera). Very pretty and I can't wait to put them up :)
Day 18 got a little interesting! I received a parasol for Edie's stroller, which I wanted to keep her skin out of the sun, or perhaps a light misty rain. Then I got some really luxurious Diesel underwear! Such an odd combination - but lovely! :D
Day 19 was really cool because I've always wondered how I could keep track of my food before it went bad or perhaps avoid premature throw-outs, as I HATE wasting food! So it was really cool to get these cool food calculators :) Just one press for 5 seconds when you open a new jar and stick it to the lid ... and it will tell you the hours and days since you opened it.
I also got a $25 gift certificate for Amazon and a handmade necklace from a lady at my hubby's old work place that she brought back from Peru!
Day 20 I got another framed thing! This time it was a The Cult album that was framed, as it was the original album where my hubby fell in love with The Cult song "Edie" - so she had a little piece of history of how her name came to be :)
I also got the Röyksopp album "Senior", that I already owned digitally, but not in CD form - which I still find very romantic. I love looking in the cover while listening to the album. Sets the vibe and tone :) Very happy for it! I also got a Bingo card and won! :)
Day 21 was a crrrrazy morning and I was sick for a very long time and didn't get a chance to open my calendar gift until I felt up for it ... and had the energy.
But, I got the Tori Amos "A Piano" collection on 5 cds that I have wanted ever since it came out ... which is probably 5 years ago now, so I was really excited about it! Tori Amos heals the soul!
Day 22 was a little sunny, as I got some really pretty sunglasses from Club Monaco! I tried them on randomly one day at the mall and it seems that the hubby remembered!
I am still a little sick, but this update was sooooo long overdue.

club monaco,
The Cult,
tori amos
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
JuleKalender Update!
I have received some really wonderful calender gifts these past few days, but unfortunately I have been too sick to write anything about them! I promise I will update tomorrow evening! *crosses fingers*...
Saturday, December 18, 2010
"Big" Night at Once Upon a Teacup with Chris Noth and LOVA Tea!
Tonight I had the wicked opportunity to meet Chris Noth at Once Upon a Teacup here in London, Ontario, while he launched his new splendid line of tea called LOVA tea!
We were served some really tasty loose tea flavours or elements, as the LOVA lifestyle states, throughout the night and my favourite was the Pink Shimmer, where 50% of the proceeds of this particular tea goes to support breast cancer research.
I was quite impressed with the variety of teas they offered within each family type of the collection. I am a white and green tea fan, and although I didn't get a chance to try any of those tonight, I am VERY confident I will fall in love with them!
I am in love with the packaging, as it is very clean looking - and it reminds me of the hot chocolate I used to buy in Norway. It will be something I will leave on my counter top - they look that esthetically good!
There will also be a tea that helps the rain forest that will be launched in January. When I hear the good of these teas and what they go towards - they make this already fantastic tea tastes somewhat (if that's even possible) better to me :)
I am really excited to bring Edie when she is old enough to understand, so she can dress up as a princess or whatever her heart desires; meet Disney princesses while I enjoy a calming cup of tea and a Caesar salad.
I should mention Stephanie (sister to Tara Wilson - Chris Noth's Wife), who has been so nice and inviting the couple of times I have met her. Such a good spirit :) (All three of them are so kind!)
I really hope they bring in some gluten-free products! They would see me there everyday! Soon enough, I'm sure :)
It also contained a lovely hand-crafted necklace by "Crystal's Collection" from Chatham area. Crystal pays very good attention to detail and I see myself wearing this piece often!
The bag also contained a flowy tank top by Bobi and from what I am feeling so far it's made out of quite soft and luxurious cotton, proving to be comfortable and chill, yet feminine. I'm liking this against my sensitive skin. So much - I have to creep their site to see what else they offer in their line.
All in all it was a great launch, and I can't wait to grow my tea collection with LOVA tea. You can check out LOVA tea and order online at their e-boutique here. All you tea lovers out there (or should I say tea lova's! Bad jokes, I know) - this is one brand you have to try!

Friday, December 17, 2010
Julekalender 15 & 16!
Bah hum bug! I was supposed to to write what I got the last couple of days yesterday, but I got too busy and not to mention crazy tired.
Day 15 was pretty nifty! I received a cool cell phone holder to stick in my cup holder so I can wire my iPhone plug underneath. This way it will flows better and doesn't look so all over the place :)
I also got really cute "Love Message" hair pins! He knows I love those hair accesssories!
Day 16 also told my hubby that I loved everything French. I love Nice, France (click to read my blog post of when I went) and all of its pastels and just everything about it. Paris is pretty, too.
I got this perfect little soap box with 2 triple-milled vegetable based soap bars. I also managed to get this year's Starbucks mug, because again he knows how much I love that damask look to things :)
I've just about wore out my last year's mug as I use it so often going back and forth to my parents house. I can't leave without a green or white tea of sorts. Very good!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Bed Intruder Christmas Carol-Liberty University = Brilliant!
You know the original Bed intruder song. If not - check it out here. I saw this Liberty University choir do a version of the auto-tuned viral video last night and I can't describe how awesome it is! So talented! This video will also go big ;)
I think I have a crush on the maestro! She is a monster on stage! Love, love, love!
Watch this beautiful Christmas version of the song! It's epic goodness. :) I actually get goosebumps!
I think I have a crush on the maestro! She is a monster on stage! Love, love, love!
Watch this beautiful Christmas version of the song! It's epic goodness. :) I actually get goosebumps!
bed intruder,
Holiday Music,
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Julekalender Day 13 and 14! LOVE the Herb-Savor by Prepara!
I can't believe the crazy snowy weather around the area. Hope everyone is safe and warm. I tweeted this earlier today. Watch the video from Fox News!
For Day 13, I was very lucky in getting "Coco Before Chanel" with Audry Tautou as Coco (Amelie, Da Vinci Code). I have been wanting this movie for quite some time - so I am really glad to finally get it! I also got a scratch card and lost again :)
Day 14 was rather interesting! I lost at yet another scratch card (no worries), but I got this really cool herb-savor by Prepara. In the winter, you can't really get the genuine freshness of herbs from your garden, or maybe you can't have a little garden or window garden because you live in an apartment. This amazing saver keeps your leftover herbs fresh and growing while hanging out in the door of your fridge!
Apparently it was featured in O magazine and was featured as on of Oprah's favourite things of 2010! I am pretty sure my hubby didn't know this unless he is a huge closet O fan. I would also be ok with that ;)
I am really excited to try it as I love to buy cilantro - but it goes bad all too quickly by the time I want to use it for another dish ... as the week goes by. This herb-savor keeps your herbs fresh 3 times longer! Especially when you are cooking this holiday season - you'll want the freshest ingredients. Super nice when you can't get out on those Uber snowy days! So excited about this!
I checked out the Prepara site, and they have some really amazing designs and innovative things! Honey? You're in trouble ;)
Seriously though - you should check out the Herb-Savor if you are sick of wasting money and want to savor 3x the freshness!
For Day 13, I was very lucky in getting "Coco Before Chanel" with Audry Tautou as Coco (Amelie, Da Vinci Code). I have been wanting this movie for quite some time - so I am really glad to finally get it! I also got a scratch card and lost again :)
Day 14 was rather interesting! I lost at yet another scratch card (no worries), but I got this really cool herb-savor by Prepara. In the winter, you can't really get the genuine freshness of herbs from your garden, or maybe you can't have a little garden or window garden because you live in an apartment. This amazing saver keeps your leftover herbs fresh and growing while hanging out in the door of your fridge!
Apparently it was featured in O magazine and was featured as on of Oprah's favourite things of 2010! I am pretty sure my hubby didn't know this unless he is a huge closet O fan. I would also be ok with that ;)
I am really excited to try it as I love to buy cilantro - but it goes bad all too quickly by the time I want to use it for another dish ... as the week goes by. This herb-savor keeps your herbs fresh 3 times longer! Especially when you are cooking this holiday season - you'll want the freshest ingredients. Super nice when you can't get out on those Uber snowy days! So excited about this!
I checked out the Prepara site, and they have some really amazing designs and innovative things! Honey? You're in trouble ;)
Seriously though - you should check out the Herb-Savor if you are sick of wasting money and want to savor 3x the freshness!

Sunday, December 12, 2010
Julekalender Day 11 and 12! Edible Arrangements! Brilliant and Delish!

Edible Arrangements have the freshest of fruits! I highly suggest this company for tasty eats and something a little different than flowers. Everyone can enjoy these!
Very impressed! You can find them on Wellington Rd. here in London.
Day 12 contained a cute little panda necklace from Crywolf! So excited to wear it! They also sent a cute day of the dead styled pin. I also got 2 more scratch cards and I lost on both of them. You can't win every time! :)

cry wolf,
edible arrangements,
Food and Drink,
Friday, December 10, 2010
Julekalender Day 9 and 10!
As you may have seen, I received my first Mini shirt on the very first day of the calender. Well, unfortunately I was picking Beatrix up and her back nail put a hole right in my shirt, not to mention the fact that I got tomato sauce all over it after making pasta that same evening!
Well, luck is on my side as I opened up a Mini Cooper shirt on day 9! I have to be extra careful with this one! That material and quality of this is amazing! This is an official top.
Today I got the ultimate thing! 3 personalized stockings from Etsy! The hubby remembered where I was looking one time and went on to make us up some of his creations. Props to him I say! They are so beautiful :)
Of course he couldn't forget little stockings for Beatrix and Tobias! =^..^=
Well, luck is on my side as I opened up a Mini Cooper shirt on day 9! I have to be extra careful with this one! That material and quality of this is amazing! This is an official top.
Today I got the ultimate thing! 3 personalized stockings from Etsy! The hubby remembered where I was looking one time and went on to make us up some of his creations. Props to him I say! They are so beautiful :)

Mini official shirt,
Pets and Animals,
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Julekalender Day 7 and 8!
How about this insane snow, London? Can't believe how much it is snowing yet again in Lambeth! (Oh - and for those of you who don't live around here, check out this article in London Free Press yesterday ... to see what I'm talking about).
Yesterday in my calender I got a cool "Mini parking only" sign to put up in the garage along with 2 scratch cards! I won $10 dollars on one that I will probably put towards more of them :)
Today, I got "The Cider House Rules", because I have never watched it (don't judge me) and this really cute octopus/squid zipper pull from Cry Wolf :)
I just love how he has a little heart under his one eye :)
I also got a new badge for the Mini again. I think Agent Cooper will have more accessories than me soon! ;)
Yesterday in my calender I got a cool "Mini parking only" sign to put up in the garage along with 2 scratch cards! I won $10 dollars on one that I will probably put towards more of them :)
Today, I got "The Cider House Rules", because I have never watched it (don't judge me) and this really cute octopus/squid zipper pull from Cry Wolf :)

I also got a new badge for the Mini again. I think Agent Cooper will have more accessories than me soon! ;)

cider house rules,
cry wolf,
MINI Badge
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Monday, December 6, 2010
JuleKalender Day 5 and 6!
While I let my homemade chicken quinoa soup simmer, I will tell you what I got in my calender the last couple of days! I have been a little MIA because yesterday morning the hubby and I both got hit with this awful flu bug! It came on so fast and we were both hugging the porcelain for what felt like forever. Today I am feeling a little better, but still achy all over. Just taking things slow :)
Day 5 - I got the Factory Girl movie which is about the life of Edie Sedgewick (whom our little Edie is named after) and how she was Andy Warhol's muse. It stars Sienna Miller, Guy Pearce and Hayden Christensen. Should be good! Have any of you watched this? I have been waiting to see this movie for a really long time. I got the "Sexy. Uncut. Unrated." - probably lots of boobs. Good times.
I also got another badge for the Mini! It reminds me of Canadian curling for some reason. But yes - I know it's the Canadian Air Force (apparently it was the only maple leaf badge in stock) :)
Day 6 - Have you heard of a toastabag? It's like brilliance in a bag! You literally make a sandwich like a cheese and tomato one (pictured), throw it in this silicone-like bag and then into the toaster ... and it melts everything together to make the perfect toasted sandwich! Amazing invention!
They are called "Reusable Toastabags Gold" as you can use each bag up to 100 times! I am pretty excited to make some tasty toasted eats when I am feeling a little better. Breakfasts of champions! I'm going to have to hold a breakfast party!
I also got a scratch card that I obviously couldn't wait to scratch the "Quest for Gold Lottery" (seems to be a gold theme!) and unfortunately didn't win on this one. But the proceeds help support Ontario's Amateur Athletes, so that is always good :)
Day 5 - I got the Factory Girl movie which is about the life of Edie Sedgewick (whom our little Edie is named after) and how she was Andy Warhol's muse. It stars Sienna Miller, Guy Pearce and Hayden Christensen. Should be good! Have any of you watched this? I have been waiting to see this movie for a really long time. I got the "Sexy. Uncut. Unrated." - probably lots of boobs. Good times.
I also got another badge for the Mini! It reminds me of Canadian curling for some reason. But yes - I know it's the Canadian Air Force (apparently it was the only maple leaf badge in stock) :)
Day 6 - Have you heard of a toastabag? It's like brilliance in a bag! You literally make a sandwich like a cheese and tomato one (pictured), throw it in this silicone-like bag and then into the toaster ... and it melts everything together to make the perfect toasted sandwich! Amazing invention!
They are called "Reusable Toastabags Gold" as you can use each bag up to 100 times! I am pretty excited to make some tasty toasted eats when I am feeling a little better. Breakfasts of champions! I'm going to have to hold a breakfast party!
I also got a scratch card that I obviously couldn't wait to scratch the "Quest for Gold Lottery" (seems to be a gold theme!) and unfortunately didn't win on this one. But the proceeds help support Ontario's Amateur Athletes, so that is always good :)

Andy Warhol,
Edie Sedgewick,
Factory Girl,
MINI Badge,
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Julekalender Day 3 and 4!

Yesterday morning I got this cool magnet connector for my Mini, to be mounted in the grill on the front of the car, so it looks a little like this. (left photo)
It's really cool because they have interchangeable badges and he started my collection with none other than Santa himself! I also got a magazine that came with it :) They have a mounting kit where you can put two badges at the back of the car as well (next to the licence plate), which has been ordered now - hopefully it will arrive soon so I can throw this (and other badges) on the back of my car!
This morning I woke up to unwrapping a lovely locket/necklace the hubby found on Etsy from a nice lady from Singapore. He kept the cute cards that came with it. I also got a couple scratch cards! Woot!
Update: I scratched them and won on It's A Wonderful Life! $3 dollars worth - so back I go to buy another one :)

MINI Badge
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