Thursday, August 19, 2010

Beehouse Teapot!

My Beehouse Teapot that matches my Figgjo cups, coincidentally ;)

Thee Brown Betty!
Speaking of tea the other day, I have to talk about my favourite teapot of life right now! I guess you could say Beehouse teapots are the "Brown Betty's" of our time - or really, just as good, but different, I'm sure.

You can purchase these Japanese Zero Beehouse teapots in an assortment of colours and sizes. I've had my 15 oz. size for a few months now in the colour Celedon.

With this size, my tea doesn't get cold and I enjoy about 3 1/2 cups of tea out of this. Great for trying to wake-up in the mornings or just a nice finish to the evening ... or for you and a friend :)

I love its built-in loose-tea holder which also makes it nice and easy to replace down the road if you need to.  They are pretty easy to find online or even your local boutique and teashops. I found mine here.

If you are looking for a wonderful Brown Betty replacement, I highly suggest making it a Beehouse teapot! I guarantee that it will make your mornings a little brighter ;)


mandiemoon said...

Mmm! Now I want some tea! Yum yum! :D

Unknown said...

Then you must come over for a tea party, Mandiemoon! You would love this new flavour, I think! :D


mandiemoon said...

Sold! Let's make a date! :) Our babies need some bonding time! ;)



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