Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Hoping everyone took part in some sort of celebration last night, and got your Hallowe'en on!

This year I wasn't sure how I would feel about going out, but I ended up going to a party for a little and then out to the bars for a little, to meet up with a few friends, T'was a good evening!

I was of course Raggedy Ann, which was my sister-in-laws costume from last year, that she let me use. Again, because I didn't know how I would feel or if I could part with the little one :)

My poor hubby dressed up as Raggedy Andy, but for his pride I won't post a picture of him ;)

Unfortunately I just did a Wikipedia search about Raggedy Ann and Andy and it turns out Andy was Raggedy Ann's brother... Oh dear! Should have done more research on this costume!

I decided I would post an iPhone picture (which doesn't do it justice) of a cat I made from scratch, that I started perhaps 2 years ago and finally finished - on a craft day in June at my parents, while Endoplasmic and Moxy (my brother and his fiancé) got their wedding DIY's done.

I thought it was very suiting to the occasion :)

I will probably take a picture of baby Edie tonight as it is the official day for dressing up!

What did you (or will you) dress up for Halloween as?


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