Despite the Stavanger weather being a little gloomy the last couple of days, I am not going to let it rain on my parade - because every time I walk outside I am protected by my "Pylones" geisha lady (watching out for tropical storms on your right).
She is kind enough to open her dress while keeping a keen eye on the weather changes, as she gracefully floats her way through the town. I am a litte sad I can't find the other umbrella that I received at Christmas. I have been frantically looking everywhere for her ... but nothing. I was lucky enough to find a picture of her though.

She looks like my mom with the silver, futuristic hair in a straitjacket while closed up. Now that whole dress metaphore is a little creepy...
Much like the crazy, wonderful Italian designers at Alessi, Pylones gives you a little taste of France with their designs. I love everything!

I mean - I can't wait to clean off my car in the winter ... well, not really, but with this Santa Clause, at least I will have a jolly time while doing a cruddy chore :)
I'm sure most of you would enjoy cleaning more if the products you used had faces and stories. With
Pylones pieces, you would probably clean every day!

Just imagine sweeping everything up with your bristled dress and brushing all the shizah onto the man in your life. Good if you are having a bad day. Or maybe you want to wash some dishes with this sexy matador prince, and wisk all the gunk in your life away with his dreamy hair.

Speaking of hair, if this lice comb existed circa 1994, I would go out of my way to rub my head against lice-infested heads in hopes of getting full advantage of this "Lice Queen" to teeth away at my hair :)
If you need to throw some extra spice to your daily regimen, I highly suggest checking out Pylones. They are great conversation pieces if you have company over, or company in themselves, if you're home alone ;) Brush and comb tea party anyone?
If you're in the Stavanger area, you can pick these fine pieces up at the
Ting store ;)
They have a U.S
site too! :D
Love your site. Visually interesting - and the writing has a warm, personal slant but not in the usual belly-button-gazing way. Once drawn in, your blog holds you. I've bookmarked your blog and will mention your site to others.
You are extremely kind and I'm so happy you enjoy it. ^_^!
Read on!
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